Border Rowers | Power Rowing
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Border Rowers

Image 9-11-24 at 5.13 PM.jpeg

Border Rowers...our next challenge is recreating the battle of the Spanish Armada in 1588.

For this, we are going to virtually row from Lisbon, Portugal to Gravelines, France, roughly 1,973,056 meters.


Our Challenge will begin on September 28, 2025 at Noon Boston time and will go 91 days to December 28th at Noon.  Rowers will be asked to row roughly 5,480 meters per day.  Wow!


The cost will be $65 for US Citizens and $75 for international.


I will be providing weekly updates and insights into the Armada...usually every Monday.  WhIle I encourage you to row as hard as you can, this is a challenge not a race, though we do give those exceptional rowers some attention. 


You can use any rowing machine or meters obtained from rowing on the water.  If you don't have a rowing machine and only have a spin bike, you can still join, but your meters count for half.  (spinning is faster)

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